Did you know that 37.309 million Americans are current illegal drug users? Opioids are among the most common, with 3.6% of adults 18 and over using them.
Whether you or your loved one is suffering from opioid addiction, it might feel like you’re trapped, and there’s no way out. While you might feel trapped now, the good news is that there’s hope. Read this Suboxone dosage guide today to get started with treatment and say goodbye to opioids.
How To Take Suboxone
Suboxone helps lower the risk of fatal overdoses by 50%. It also helps to reduce the risk of nonfatal overdoses as well.
To start, place the film or tablet under the tongue or in the cheek. Hold it in place until it’s dissolved.
Never swallow or cut this medication since it won’t be as effective. Take it once a day.
Pick up one film at the outer edges and place it under the tongue or in either cheek. If your doctor prescribes a second dose, place another, so it doesn’t overlap. Hold the tablet in place, and don’t move it.
The film should take about 10 minutes to dissolve. If you need a third, wait for the first two to dissolve.
Before beginning, it’s a good idea to drink water first. You’ll want to wet the inside of your cheek with your tongue, at the least.
Never eat or drink while actively using Suboxone. It needs to dissolve for it to be effective. If you take it with food and drink, you’ll swallow the medication without the same effects.
Dosing Suboxone
Suboxone doses start at 2 mg or 4 mg of buprenorphine and naloxone. It can be increased by 2 or 4 mg to reach a dose of 16 mg.
Your dosing plan can vary depending on several factors. The dosing plan will depend on withdrawal symptoms, the opioids used, and how often you used them.
If you’re just starting out, you may go through multiple stages of doses. On the first day, 2 mg is common.
Your doctor can increase this by 2 or 4 mg every two hours. On the first day, it can reach 8 mg.
On day two, you might stay on the current amount. Your doctor could allow you to have up to 16 mg in a single daily dose.
By day three, the dosing strategies could be increased or decreased by 2 mg. The maintenance level should be within 4 to 24 mg.
Dosage for Those on Heroin
If you’re dependent on short-acting opioids or heroin, you might be prescribed Suboxone sublingual film. The first dose will be administered when signs of moderate opioid withdrawal occur.
It shouldn’t be less than six hours after you last used opioids. Doctors must work to achieve an accurate dose as quickly as possible. If they wait too long to adjust the medication, it could have a negative impact.
Dosage for Those on Methadone
If you’re dependent on long-acting opioids or Methadone, you might be more susceptible to withdrawal during induction. Naloxone/buprenorphine products haven’t been evaluated in well-controlled studies for those on long-acting products.
Buprenorphine monotherapy is normally recommended in these patients. Follow all instructions per the doctor, and you could be transitioned to once-daily Suboxone.
Stopping Treatment
Stopping Suboxone film after a maintenance period should be part of the treatment plan. You’ll need to be tapered off the medication to avoid opioid withdrawal signs and symptoms.
Suboxone Side Effects
Contact your doctor right away if you experience side effects. Some common side effects include distress, irritability, restlessness, constipation, nausea, muscle cramps, and more.
If you have difficulty breathing, get medical care immediately. This could mean you overdosed.
Improper Suboxone Use
Never inject, snort, or smoke Suboxone. This can be dangerous. Buprenorphine reduces the effects of opioid withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
If the medication is changed in any way, this will activate naloxone and make buprenorphine ineffective. You’ll experience withdrawal symptoms fast.
Some side effects could include:
- Overdose
- Injection-site infections
- Sepsis
- Cellulitis
- Unresponsiveness
- Cardiorespiratory failure
- Death
When Should I Take Suboxone?
You’ll want to take it within the proper time frame. It’s normally taken after you’ve experienced mild to moderate opioid withdrawal symptoms.
Taking it too early could cause worse symptoms of withdrawal. These symptoms could include an increased heart rate, sweating, and nausea. You could experience withdrawal if you already have opioids in your system.
Can I Take More if I Still Experience Symptoms?
No. Never take more than prescribed. While you could take multiple doses, it needs approval from your doctor.
Who Sets Suboxone Dosing Guidelines?
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Before, dosages of Suboxone or buprenorphine weren’t available unless opiate addiction was documented over a year. Today, a doctor certified by the DATA 2000 requirements can write you a prescription upon admission to a MAT program.
Communication Is Important
Pay attention to the signs and symptoms you experience while on the medication. Consider group or single counseling sessions to help you through this time.
If you don’t feel right on the medication, you might need an adjustment to the dosage. This will help you avoid serious consequences such as an emergency visit.
A Suboxone Dosage Guide
After exploring this guide, you should better understand a Suboxone dosage. Schedule a Suboxone online treatment to see what dose is correct for you.
Are you ready to get started right away on the road to recovery? Put opioid addiction behind you and get your life back! Start treatment today and get it delivered right to your home.